Jean Eyraud Kindergarten School
- Trélissac, France
The Trélissac kindergarten was the fruit of dialogue between the local education board, teachers, pupils and architects in defining a framework adapted to the new needs of educators. Nouvel and his partners played an active role, designing an experimental project that radically contradicted the norms laid down by the Education Nationale (viz. strict horizontality for this type of school). At Trélissac space develops over different levels linked by small stairways.
The school is a little playworld whose multicoloured volumes remind one of an unfinished children’s block game. The cubes and half-cubes with their pitched half-roofs are covered with shingles. Spaces are sometimes closed and sometimes covered, both safe and adventurous, sprinkled with images that efface the distinction between school and home.
Olivier Boissière in Jean Nouvel: Jean Nouvel, Emmanuel Cattani and Associates, Éditions Artemis Verlag, Zurich, 1992